Ayusha Ayurveda Natural Therapies

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Am I a healer?What is Life Energy?

I am immensely grateful to be part of healing journey for many. It’s very rewarding, satisfying to see them getting better, knowing that they are feeling like their whole-self again.

When they feel better, sometimes, they called me a ‘healer’.

Being a human, that feels nice to be appreciated, but it really makes me ponder ‘Am I a healer?’

The short answer is ‘I am not a healer’ and here is ‘why’.

As my Guru says, “It’s only the Prana- the life energy - that heals. All forms of interventions are a way to activate the Prana, who then heals”.

Prana is the life energy that pervades all the creation; it creates, only it heals. (More about it below)

So saying a person is a healer is like matching his/her abilities to that ‘Universal Creative Principle’. - no way any human- who is just a mere drop in this vast ocean of Prana- can match that, right?

The sources of sickness may be due to internal- in body or mind -or external causes. Becoming unwell creates blockage, imbalance of that energy.

What I do is only endeavor my best to apply the authentic ancient techniques which are designed and time-tested to correct those imbalances, remove blockages and make that energy flow to do what it does regardless i.e. effect healing.

Just thought of clarifying this principle of healing in this context.

There are many books written which mention about Yogis who can heal their body in miraculous/mysterious ways. In fact, they are also using this Prana to that effect. With their Yoga practices, they have mastered control over this Prana and can produce so called ‘miracles’.

They are the real healers.

What is Life Energy?

It is literally the energy that gives and sustains life- in us, in animals, in plants- in everything that is ‘living’.

It is everywhere and every species have their own ways of getting its intake.

Can we see it- ofcourse not? So how do we know its there, it’s real? Here is a simple but dark example.

The body a moment before and after death is same chemically, physically, biologically. right? But what it does not have a moment after, is Prana- or Life Energy.

It is not Soul or Consciousness. (see below)

Life energy is what builds any living form from a single cell. It is what sustains it.

This energy is stored in brain as well as in every cell of the body. To modern science, it appears to flow through nerves- however that is limited view.

As per Yogic sciences, it flows through 3 main channels- Ida (Left), Pingala (Right) and Sushumna (Central- only in advanced Yogis)- within the spine and out to various body parts through some 72000 nerve channels.

I can go on and on about it, but it is the central element Yoga and Ayurveda consider when it comes to health and healing. Modern science is not yet able to figure out Prana.

Is Life Energy same as Consciousness?

No, they are totally different. Life Energy is what makes one alive. Consciousness is what makes one experience aliveness.

Consciousness a vast and widely misunderstood topic. Here is an authority view on this topic, if you are interested.