instant reset
lasting relaxation

Tried and trusted by locals

Recharge  |  Re-balance  |  Renew

Not any self-care or wellness,

Time-tested, drug free healthcare that works

  • Signature Recharge Therapies

    Time-tested since 5000+ years for a variety of acute and chronic physical and mental health issues.

  • Women's Health Therapies

    Unique healing treatments for health issues surfacing at different life stages and life events.

  • Stress, Anxiety, Mental Health

    Treatments to manage stress, anxiety, insomnia or get relief from transient as well as deep-seated emotions.

  • Immunity, Detox, Anti-ageing

    Treatments to remove toxins, deeper disease tendencies, reduce inflammation and improve immunity.

  • Pain-relief, Recovery, Restoration

    Treatments for back,neck, knee pain and restoring health by removing blockages and root causes.

  • Skin Health and Rejuvenation

    Treatments for skin health, inner beauty, weight control, fat reduction, toning and overall internal strengthening.

  • Tired of grind?

  • Looking for quality ‘me time’ ?

  • Health issues?

  • Making a NY health resolution?

Escape inward, to your Source,
at Ayusha Authentic Ayurveda.

Just Be.

User Manual
for body and mind.

Book a free 15 min Discovery Session