
what anything else couldn’t

HEAL: Evidence-based, Effective Enhanced Relaxation Therapy

for treating chronic pain, fatigue, anxiety, stress, phobias, addictions & trauma
+ many physical and emotional health issues.

“Our most valuable, reliable resources are like diamonds…buried deep.”

Heal therapy helps access them.

-Sir Kenneth Robinson

All questions answered

  • In one line- HEAL heals, what anything else couldn’t*.

    • Highly effective

    • Evidence based

    • Non-invasive

    • No side effects

    • Drug-free

    • Absolutely personalised

    • Result oriented

    • Instant results *

    • Cost-effective

    • Deeply relaxing- as the name suggests

    *Most important factor in results is Your Motivation to Change. If you are fully keen to have the healing and believe in the therapy, results will speak for themselves.
    Results may vary from person to person.

  • There is a good evidence that HEAL Enhanced Relaxation Therapy (one of the popular names) is beneficial for anyone experiencing:

    1. Chronic health conditions

    2. Physical conditions with unknown cause or no sure remedies e.g. endo, autoimmune

    3. Women's health issues including infertility

    4. Stress, tensions of any form

    5. Anxiety, panic attacks

    6. Depression or low moods

    7. Negativity or indifference

    8. Insecurity, body-image issues

    9. Brain fog, confusion

    10. Life challenges like health, career issues or trauma

    11. Relationship or intimacy issues

    12. Other mental health disorders like paranoia, phobias

    13. Behavioral or eating disorders

    14. Damaging habits, addictions

    15. Sexual health issues like loss of libido, hypersexuality

    In nut shell, HEAL can help you to get out of:

    • if....then

    • but....

    • only if......

    • could, would, shoulds

    • can't

    • what if...

  • HEAL is a suggestive process to induce a state of deep relaxation, akin to stillness, in your mind and body.

    In such absorbed state, one can respond experientially on multiple levels, can access, amplify and direct their latent resources and utilize these to actively resolve or find a solution to the (health, healing or other) problem they facing.
    Each sessions evolves progressively to suit the unique needs and the progress experienced.

    HEAL is not a religious, spiritual, dogmatic or shamanic kind of practice. It is a scientific method, similar to evidence-based clinical hypnosis or guided mindfulness, where you are in-charge of the process at all the times.

    (Without getting into religious debate) You might have heard the famous verse in Bible: "Be still and know I am God". The implicit meaning is that in perfect stillness, one can tap into immense power or resources, similar to those would be available in the Divine domain.

  • You are in driving seat, you are in-charge of the HEAL process. So it is empowering process to start with.

    Now, going deeper, our body is constantly using the Life energy- Prana within us. There is a finite amount of Prana available within us and we replenish it mainly with food.

    Muscles consume vast energy while doing activities. Even seemingly relaxing activities like sleep consume energy as heart, lungs and partial brain are still working.
    Such constant motions cause cellular decay.

    Just imagine how you feel after a busy day? Tired, right?

    Additionally, the mind consumes significant amount of energy through emotions, feelings, thought-processes. Think about how drained you feel after a bout of anger or negative mood?

    HEAL allows muscles, organs and mind to relax to a great extent, so the energy consumed by constant motion is freed up, even for a few minutes. The mind can then direct this energy to heal whatever needs healing within the body or just to create more vitality.

    HEAL further utilizes the powers of our inner mind to further facilitate the healing.

    Discover yourself that your mind is your own greatest healer(L. McTaggart)

    That's why HEAL is effective as it taps into our latent, inner resources and directs them to their most beneficial uses; something that is not easily achieved by other therapies.

    In nut shell, HEAL uses mind-body connection to facilitate deeper healing, not possible through conventional means.

  • The Mind is divided by Yoga into 3 main parts: Conscious, sub-conscious and super-conscious.

    Conscious mind is the awake state and which we lose in sleep state.

    Super-conscious mind has abilities to tune-in with Cosmic Mind and can only be accessed by years of deep meditation practice.

    Sub-conscious mind is auto-pilot, mind controlling our many involuntary functions like breathing, heart pumping, digestion etc. It is therefore is in-tune with our body.

    It is habit mind and also constantly reacts with conscious mind and vice versa.

    Sub-conscious mind is reservoir of all our experiences and is like fertile soil- it can grow what you sow. If you sow weeds, it will grow weeds. If you sow flowers, it will grow beautiful garden.

    That’s where lies it’s healing abilities.

    By using absolutely personalised methods to tap into the sub-conscious mind, we can program it to ‘talk with’ the body, by sowing good seeds of health or to remove seeds of illness.

    I can go lot more deep with reference to some Yogic texts, but I guess we can have chat about it in person, if you are interested.

  • Basis of HEAL are scientific but latent, unknown, untapped powers of the mind.

    How mind works for or against us has puzzled humanity since ancient times. Yogis, the Vedic scientists, have gone into farthest depths of the mind, to understand its workings and how to control it . They have provided many timeless frameworks, tools, techniques to that effect in the ancient texts written by them thousands of years ago.

    The primary role of deep stillness, calm or peace is emphasized in all the ancient texts as antidote or in some cases cure, to many mental and physical conditions. However, in today’s noisy world, this aspect is easily ignored, knowingly or unknowingly.

    HEAL will help you to get to that state of calmness.

    This is a brief summary of the HEAL process: (for how HEAL works, read the next FAQ):

    • The practitioner listens to understand challenges, issues faced by the patient/client.

    • Working with them, at a pace comfortable to them, during one or more sessions, the practitioner facilitates to create a deeply relaxed, calm, peaceful state in their being, even for a few minutes.

    • In this state, one can access their innate inner resources to facilitate healing or effect change in the way they live their everyday life, free from the issues experienced.

  • A fully relaxed, still or calm state is the most common experience and that’s the aim of the treatment.

    The perception of this state varies with individual, depending upon their ability to sync in with their body, level of inner noise and mainly, keenness or motivation to resolve the issue by openness to allow the HEAL experience.

    In my own experience, it is similar to Yog nidra- where one appears to be sleeping but is inwardly aware, not unconscious but is in control.

    Sounds confusing?

    Why not experience to believe it?

    In this state, the mind is receptive, fully aligned with the body and the body is most receptive to healing.

    At the end of HEAL session, those fully engrossed, report feeling complete relaxation like never before. Later they report significant improvement or disappearance of their symptoms or better control over their symptoms.

  • There are no reported side effects.

    There is a small risk (i.e. low probability) of catharsis or abreaction i.e. release of suppressed emotion. Most of the times, such release is necessary for healing and can be promptly managed within the therapy session, except patients with psychosis history and schizophrenia (for whom we do not recommend HEAL anyway).

    Most people find HEAL either really relaxing or enjoyable experience.

  • Each session is for 50-60 minutes.

    Depending upon severity, chronicness of condition and patient's belief and openness, usually 4-6 sessions are effective.

    We highly recommend to continue the therapy for recommended number of sessions for its effectiveness. Leaving the therapy midway once you start to feel better will not produce desired results in long term.

  • If you are experiencing chronic health issues, or issues where cause is said to be unknown like auto-immune or endo or, have tried many avenues with no relief to your satisfaction, HEAL may be something you can benefit from.

    Even a partial relief in symptoms is worth exploring, right?

    Choosing HEAL is your individual choice.

    HEAL is not a spiritual, religious or shamanic practice.

    In words of Dr Ainslie Meares

    Way of Doctoring, Melbourne 1985 (abbreviated version)

    Over the years many areas of our mind

    Have become quite familiar territory.

    But beyond, there lies this other land,

    The land of which we catch glimpses

    Many people have indicated to me that they have had glimpses

    Of this third dimension of their being.

    A touch of this third dimension can be perceived or experienced only in stillness and perhanps that’s where the latent potentials are stored.

    Important Disclaimers:

    Degree of stillness experienced varies with individuals. Many parameters (including but not limited to) personal characteristics, number and length of sessions, severity of the issue, state of mind during and previous to sessions, quality of inner life and lifestyle choices etc affect the degree of stillness or relaxation experienced.

    HEAL does not guarantee a touch to this third dimension mentioned above. The experience of stillness/relaxation may vary from person to person and can not be assured in any way.

    HEAL we provide has no correlation with Dr Meares work or his techniques. His name and abbreviated poem is only quoted for reference to demonstrate supporting views from modern medicine field to the ancient wisdom.

    One may or may not experience such stillness or access to latent potentials or find a solution. No cure of any kind is assured with HEAL.

  • The mind powers or abilities or capabilities are demonstrated in our everyday life.

    You may see people doing ultra marathons, Iron mans, climbing Everest running, without Oxygen!

    You may have heard people experiencing spontaneous cancer remissions or miraculous recovery from diseases.

    These are all examples of mind power, fueling body's power.

    Yoga believes that Everyone has these powers, same quantity.

    The only difference between 2 people is access. Some with their efforts or due to life circumstances have developed more access than others.

    HEAL will help you achieve that access, if you are open to it, if you allow it to.

    Mind-body connection is now proven by scientific research under names of gut-brain axis, neuroplasticity and well-known placebo effects.

  • Patients should continue their existing modern medicine (Allopathy), Psychiatric or Psychologist treatments or mental health plans including medications they are prescribed. HEAL is not a replacement or substitute for such treatments but works in a complimentary way.

For those motivated to change, Heal works wonders

Health springs from calmness

Yoga Principle

Yoga believes that, ‘Our mind is a storehouse of latent resources; all answers lie within it’.

Only a deep calm state facilitates tapping into these resources.

Simple rest is not enough; an idle car engine still burns fuel.

Such state of focused absorption frees up Prana (Life Energy fuel) otherwise consumed in unproductive activities, so it can be used to achieve mind-body healing.

Heal Enhanced Relaxation Therapy (HEAL), is a proven way of achieving such calm state to access, amplify and direct latent resources available deep within each of us.

Australian Dr Ainsley Meares believed in facilitating such state of of profound stillness to effect healing.


  • Drug-free, non-invasive

  • Nil or minimal risks

  • Safe, you are in-charge of the process

  • Time-tested Yogic principles of tapping into mind’s abilities, combined with some similes of evidence based clinical hypnosis or guided meditation.

“Body and mind are home to disease and happiness.
Pathogenic factors within the body are Vata, Pitta, Kapha while those in mind are Rajas and Tamas.

Balanced utilization of mental faculties and objects of sense organs is the cause of happiness, which is achieved only by taking recourse to patience and (Vedic) knowledge.

Healing at all levels is facilitated when we live in peaceful harmony with our individual nature and, with Life.”

Acharya (Guru) Caraka

“HEAL helped me overcome my insecurity about not able to conceive. It also provided great relief in chronic pelvic pain I had since age of 19.”

— Gemma (42), Newcastle

“I felt so calm and relaxed even in first session. Each session has helped me to break my stubborn behavioral patterns.”

— Ian, Morriset

“If you want to change anything in yourself, you must change the process of thought. That is the only way to remold yourself.”

— Paramhamsa Yogananda