Daily Routines - Dincharya

In today’s world, it is so easy to get hooked to undesirable habits, but hard to form good habits, right?

These daily routines are an essential component of any Ayurveda treatment and they will certainly help you in forming healthy habits.

It’s also where the shared responsibility between the practitioner and the patient begins.

There is a science behind each of this routine (and also now proven by evidence). So we highly recommend you follow these as a necessary step towards your optimal health goal. Please listen to video if you wish to know the rationale- the why-behind each of this routine.

Believe me, I am following this routine religiously for past many months since I started Ayurveda and experiencing its benefits.

And it might get overwhelming too. That’s perfectly normal.

That’s why take baby steps and slowly incorporate one or more of these routines as you feel comfortable.

Here is a testimonial from someone who experienced great health benefits after she started following these routines.


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