The ‘WHY’ behind Daily Routines

Knowing the WHY always gives us the clarity and the force to carry on.

Nature & its routines

Everything in nature has a routine. Sun rises and sets around set times. Seasons change in cyclic fashion. Trees and flowers bloom as per set rhythms.

We are part of nature. So would we have any routines?

Routines for us

Please listen to the video below if you wish to know the rationale- the why-behind each of the Ayurveda daily routines.

There is a science (also now proven by latest evidence) behind Dincharya (Daily Routines) and following Dincharya is a key step towards your optimal health goal.

Believe me, I am following this routine religiously for past many months since I started Ayurveda and experiencing its remarkable benefits.

Though we do many of these routines already, it might sometimes get overwhelming - to fit all this in a already busy schedule. That’s perfectly normal.

That’s why take baby steps and slowly incorporate one or more of these routines as you feel comfortable.

It’s a lot to cover and hence it’s a long 20 min video…so patience is required.


Sound Meditation


Why Meditate?