5 tips to get most out of your Ayurveda therapies

Therapies that open body’s healing channels

Goal of Ayurveda therapies

From patient’s perspective massages and other therapies are pleasant and very relaxing. But from quantum perspective, these are cleansing and restoring the channels that bring healing signals into our cells.
— Dr Deepak Chopra, M.D.

Main goal of Ayurveda therapies is to take you to a place of stillness.

Because, Ayurveda believes that ‘health springs from calmness’.
In calmness, one can get back in touch with the quantum body.

Dr Ainslie Meares (Australian Psychiatrist) also firmly believed that facilitating an extended state of profound stillness was very healing.

5 Tips for getting the most healing effects:

  1. Be in the present moment.

  • It’s natural for us to think about the issues we are experiencing while relaxing on the treatment table. But one will benefit more if they are able to switch off i.e. be in the present moment during the therapy. There are many simple ways to achieve this:

    • Focus on your breath

    • Keep attention on different bodily sensations during the treatment. Feel the warmth of oil, feel the relaxation experienced in muscles during a massage, as examples.

    • Be fully attentive to our carefully curated healing music.

    • Or like some do, just have a snooze. The sleep experienced during a therapy is not like usual sleep but is therapeutic, as the healing is taking place on one hand.

    • Mind will wander- keep it bringing back using above techniques.

      As Dr Chopra says, “Being in the moment will open your perceptions. When your perceptions open “in here”, so does everything “out there”.

2. Energy is the Key


Body is regarded as a dynamic system of Energy from the treatment perspective. Freeing the Energy flow is key to better results. It is achieved by various forms of massage strokes, therapy techniques and by removing blockages with different methods. Lesser the barriers in moving it, freer it moves.

3. Follow the recipe


At Ayusha, we strive to deliver most of the treatments in absolute silence, so you can experience the stillness, calmness.

Having a general chat with practitioner while the treatment is being performed is definitely not helpful to you.
However, please feel free to let the practitioner know during the treatment if any aspect of the treatment is not comfortable e.g. you need less pressure or warmer oil etc.

Please follow the preparation and after-care instructions provided.
The practitioner will explain you the treatment in detail prior to starting, including the rationale behind the therapy.

Ask as many questions as you wish to clarify any unclear aspects.
The more clarity you will have about how treatments will be delivered and why, better will be the outcome.

In treating conditions, follow through with recommended number of treatments, which is generally 1 or 3 or 5 (for bastis). Sometimes ongoing treatments are recommended, especially for stubborn conditions like rheumatism or chronic issues or for maintenance.
The treatment protocol is designed to facilitate the bodily intelligence to take over the healing process after.

It’s humane to be impatient about results and some discontinue protocol after 1-2 treatments. But in that case, you are not giving your bodily intelligence necessary support and chance to heal.


4. Be open


Research says- for any therapy to be effective, 3 factors are necessary (the first two being our responsibility):
1) Individualized approach 2) Rapport and
3) The patient/client’s motivation for change i.e. Openness

There are 3 ways to look at openness.

  1. Be open to healing. Ask as many questions till your satisfaction, but please keep your skeptical hat away. Believe in the ancient science of Ayurveda- even if you don’t want to. Being curious is good, but being skeptical or doubtful creates resistance and may hinder, than help healing.

  2. Please feel free to discuss with the practitioner any health issues, negative emotions or feelings that you may be experiencing. 100% confidentiality is assured. Ayurveda believes that unresolved, dominant emotions and feelings get stored in various organs, causing imbalances. If practitioner is made aware of any such issues or emotions, he may use some techniques like Marma therapy or change oils or massage strokes to help release of such emotions and correct imbalances.

  3. Ayurveda treatments are multi-dimensional. Meaning, one treatment with some changes can be applicable in a range of issues. Further as the original Sanskrit names of therapies are not easy to pronounce and infer meaning, we have tried our best to describe each therapy in great detail to make selection easier.
    However, in some cases, during the brief consult prior to treatment, even if you have booked a particular treatment, the practitioner may advise a different treatment most suitable to you. Please be open to such suggestions/recommendations. Beyond offering better value for your money, it is practitioner’s responsibility to inform you the most suitable therapy in your best interest. You can take your time to read the therapy information on website, ask questions and then consent for the recommended therapy if you wish so.

5. Don’t expect, just Be.


Please keep away all your expectations from the treatment. Many a times, setting expectations creates resistance. There is fine line between hoping to feel better and keeping expectations.

‘Hoping’ is setting a positive intention, while ‘setting expectations’ is akin to chasing a particular phenomenon, result or experience.
And, chasing more often pushes away the very thing we chase.

Instead, set a positive intention and then let it happen whatever needs to happen. The body that keeps the score, knows how to heal too. Surrender to the ancient wisdom and that will open new possibilities for healing.


Important treatment information & etiquette


Save your time by reading this prior to appt


3 healing mechanisms in Ayurveda therapies

Science of Touch (Sparsha)


Science of Oleation


Medical Science


Nothing is as healing as the human touch- Bobby Fischer.

Sparsha is one of the 5 Tanmatras- i.e. body’s perception mechanisms.

Psychological studies have found that a compassionate, respectful touch brings happiness, peace, and physical health. Such touch is a necessity that is often ignored in our ultra-individualistic culture.

The therapist must have a great deal of clarity and compassion in their heart for the therapy to be beneficial to the patient.

Healing effects achieved from Ayurveda massages are partly due to this science of touch.


Oleation (applying oil) therapy’s importance is akin to oiling the car engine.

On superficial level, it helps to nourish tissues. At deeper level, it helps to 1) removes ama (toxins) accumulated in the tissues and 2) channelizes aggravated doshas (and ama) from their manifested sites and directs them from external disease pathway into the G.I. track, from where they can be eliminated easily.


And of course the time-tested ancient wisdom for thousands of years, with its unique understanding of human anatomy, psychophysiology, science of herbs, various modalities and, mind-body connection and our connection to Nature.