Perspectives beyond 3P’s of Menopause

Many celebrities above 40 are talking about Potions, Pills and Programs to flip the script on this phase of life for women.

Menopositivity is widely discussed at the moment. However, there is so much confusion surrounding this phase in a woman’s life, the lack of candour, reluctance to talk about its nitty-gritty and almost a never-ending search for the quick-fixes, promoted by PR using big names.

1.1 Billion women will experience this phase in 2025!

A new perspective at Menopause

Menopause is a natural phase, an inevitable, often unwanted and at-times unbearable.

Nature, through its cycles, goes through phases too. However, we are drifting away from the Nature- our best teacher, companion and source of existence.

Nature has a lot to offer to navigate Menopause.

Menopause is like the Autumn

When the Nature changes into Autumn, to make itself ready for the winter (or called as Vata stage of life in Ayurveda):

  • Autumn does not lament the loss of Summer. Weather starts to cool down, but still maintaining the pleasant warmth.

  • The winds pick up, swirling unpredictably—like the hot flashes and sudden storms of emotion that menopause brings. They remind us that change, though unsettling, is necessary to bring about the rebalancing essential to the next stage of life.

  • Once-vibrant green trees soften the colour of the leaves, yielding to the warm embrace of amber and gold, manifesting a whole range of new beauty from within.

  • The falling leaves feed the soil, enriching the ground for what will come. Similarly, this phase of life prepares the spirit for new growth, for wisdom, for a quieter kind of power to sprout.

  • The trees, so full of life, but begin to let go—one leaf at a time, letting go the un-serving baggage. Each leaf released is a lesson in surrender.

  • The skies at the sunset turn into vivid orange colours, displaying the ability to mesmerise, with singular shades of serenity.

  • Animals prepare to go in hibernation to conserve energy and avoid spending it where they don’t have to or need to.

  • The earth pulls its energy inward, retreating from the fervent abundance of Summer. Menopause mirrors this inward turn, drawing us closer to our Essence, asking us to regain our inner silence.

  • There is Grace in this change. The Nature, the trees do not resist; they just allow themselves to transform, willingly.

Menopause, too, is an invitation—to honor the cycles of Nature within us, to further tune into the rhythms that have guided us for years.
— Sachin Joshi

Menopause Made Easy With Ayurveda

By no means we are saying that Menopause is easy. But with its holistic approach, Ayurveda can make the journey more enriching, more rewarding so you can maintain the balance throughout- as Nature intended.

Not a stock-standard program but a personalised way of life, comprising of bodywork therapies, diet-nutrition recommendations, lifestyle changes and evidence-based emotional care practices to help:

  • Regain balance, hormonal and emotional

  • Maintain healthy skin; toning, texture and elasticity

  • Avoid muscle wastage

  • Manage unwanted body-fat

  • Reduce hair loss

  • Improve bladder function

  • Boost hydration, limit water retention

  • Improve sexual health, reduce dryness

  • Experience life more fully and freely

And these Nature’s principles or ‘prescriptions’ that apply to Menopause, can be used to effectively and happily manage Perimenopause and Andropause too!


Medical misogyny and 4 P’s of Endo