Abhyanga- Lymphatic Massage

Detox | Relax | Rejuvenate

“Felt like floating”- Mel

In their own words

Treatment in brief


No need to read further?


Abhyanga Lymphatic massage is a timeless Ayurvedic tradition that honors the body as a temple for Soul and hence consideres its healthy state as of prime importance. A one of the most popular whole-body warm oil massage using specially selected medicated oil to suit your unique constitution, needs and season.

This therapeutic massage is not only a typical lymphatic massage but a deeply restorative and soothing journey that aims to promote better mind body alignment. This therapy aims to achieve revitalization by:

  • Activating 3 bodily energies that govern our body and mind- Vata, Pitta, Kapha

  • Correcting subtle imbalances, improving circulation

  • Facilitating elimination of toxins by promoting lymphatic drainage

  • Nourishing skin and effecting relaxation

  • Promoting grounding

The massage follows a variety of strokes allowing for the removal of blockages and the promotion of energy flow.

Carefully curated tranquil environment and caring touch of the practitioner create a safe space for promoting a sense of inner peace and wellbeing. The practice is known to ground and center individuals, fostering a connection between their inner selves and the external world.

Now ‘Steam Therapy’ included

When you are having Abhyanga Lymphatic massage at Ayusha, you can now choose to have 10 min steam therapy- Swedana. It comes included with massage, but optional at your choice.

The traditional steam chamber at Ayusha is made from medicinal wood.

Steam after massage helps to penetrate the oil deeper, facilitating herbs to move deeper, sooner.

Steam is contraindicated if you have asthama, respiratory conditions or conditions related to blood pressure.
85 kg body weight limit for the equipment.

Science of Touch (Sparsha)


Science of Oleation


Nothing is as healing as the human touch- Bobby Fischer.

Sparsha is one of the 5 Tanmatras- i.e. body’s perception mechanisms.

Psychological studies have found that a compassionate, respectful touch brings happiness, peace, and physical health. Such touch is a necessity that is often ignored in our ultra-individualistic culture.

The therapist must have a great deal of clarity and compassion in their heart for the massage to be beneficial to the patient.

Healing effects achieved from Abhyanga massage are partly due to this science of touch.


Oleation (applying oil) therapy’s importance is akin to oiling the car engine.

On superficial level, it helps to nourish tissues. At deeper level, it helps to 1) removes ama (toxins) accumulated in the tissues and 2) channelizes aggravated doshas (and ama) from their manifested sites and directs them from external disease pathway into the G.I. track, from where they can be eliminated easily.



  • Provides balancing, revitalization, relaxation and detoxingat the same time.

  • Delays ageing & Increases immunity, longevity and stamina

  • Improves elimination of toxins from the body

  • Stimulates and strengthens the lymphatic system

  • Counters fatigue

  • Calms the nervous system and mind, reducing effects of stress on the body

  • Promotes sleep

  • Promotes hydration, softness and luster of the skin as well as youthfulness

  • Enhances blood circulation

  • Enhances positive microbiology in your body (skin is home to massive colonies of microbes)

  • Increases Oxytocin - the loving, bonding and anti-anxiety hormone

  • Increases mental alertness, clarity

For Evidence / Research about Abhyanga, click here.




Conditions for which Lymphatic Abhyanga is recommended

  • Getting body back in balance after illness or surgery

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Generalized weakness

  • Insomnia, lack of concentration

  • Swelling or edema in the body

  • Headache

  • Decreased range of motion

  • Lymphatic Abhyanga can be combined with Marma Therapy for treating a range of conditions.


  • Please do not eat in 1.5-2 hours prior to appointment,  

  • Have a shower prior to treatment so skin pores open and help to soak the oil.

  • Use washroom prior to the start of the treatment if required.

  • Wear old clothes or bring sarong like wrap-around clothing

  • If you have long hair, it’s good to bring a hair-tie or shower cap.

  • Bring a scarf or hat to wear after your treatment during winter months. Also avoid exposing to wind even in summer for some time after treatment.

  • Also have a old towel or bed sheet covering on the car seat to prevent the oil getting in contact with the car upholstery.

  • Not advised during menstruation period.


Treatment Process


Different to other massage techniques, this massage is done using warm medicated oil with a combination of long, lymphatic, rhythmic, relaxing strokes.

The massage begins from the head, gradually leading to shoulders and neck, to stimulate the central nervous system and prepare the whole body for the healing experience.

The therapeutic herbs in oil act as nutrient and medicinal agents through the skin, performing its diverse functions efficiently, whether it is allowing toxins to be released from the body or nourishment to be absorbed by the tissues.


  • You can drive home after cup of warm water or herbal tea.

  • It is advised to not to have a shower for at least an hour to gain the full benefits of the massage.

  • As the medicated oil and specific strokes drives the toxins from the deeper connective tissues back to the gastrointestinal tract for proper elimination, is advised to hydrate well with warm water and take some rest after the massage.

  • Avoid long travel and busy shopping centers.

  • Avoid going to beach and extreme weather conditions.

  • Do not lie in the sun with the oil on afterwards.

  • Eat when properly hungry, may be after 30-45 minutes after massage.

  • Take warm shower to rinse the oil off before bed. Avoid hot shower. Do not use heavy soap or shampoo, to get the most out of the massage.




75-90 min treatment: $175 (includes cost of medicated oil, specific to your constitution)

Ayurvedic massage oils cost $60-$100 a liter.
To know why Ayurvedic oils are so expensive, click here.