Heal from Trauma

Ayurveda on Trauma

If you’ve ever been through a highly stressful event, series of events or abuse at any time in life, you’ve been through a traumatic experience. A feeling of helplessness, horror, and in some cases, the challenges of a serious injury (or the threat of one) are commonly experienced after these events.

Trauma leaves its physical impact as physical pain and psychological tension that is not the result of any other medical condition. This can happen anywhere in the body, and for trauma survivors, it is most commonly held in the core of the body, the stomach, abdomen, and low back, as well as the upper torso, chest, shoulders, and spine.

Sometimes there are no apparent physical effects but the need to protect oneself from perceived threats is stored in the memory and emotional centers of the brain, such as the hippocampus and amygdala, leading to specific emotions and behaviors.

Research says that trauma, especially complex PTSD, can change the brain chemistry and structure.

But help and hope is available.

  • These are some of the common symptoms of unresolved trauma, according to Dr. Zackson:

    • Hypervigilance and inability to let one’s guard down

    • Lack of trust and difficulty opening up to other people

    • Dissociation and a persistent feeling of numbness

    • Control issues, to overcompensate for feeling helpless during the traumatic incident

    • Low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness

    • Anger issues and difficulty regulating emotions

    • High blood pressure and cortisol levels

    • Sleep difficulties, including insomnia and nightmares

    • Headaches, nausea, sweating, or digestive issues

    • Tightness in the chest or a pit in the stomach

    • Somatic preoccupation (excessive focus and extreme distress about physical symptoms)

    • Bodily memories that cause physical flashbacks of the sensations, smell, taste, pain, and pressure of the traumatic experience

    • Mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, substance use disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • First of all, our Trauma Therapy provides a safe and confidential place for a person to talk about personal experiences, thoughts, feelings, or problems.

    You don’t have to talk about the trauma event until you feel ready to.

    It is a specific approach that recognizes how the traumatic experience impacts one’s mental, behavioral, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

    Vedic therapy is rooted in understanding the connection between the trauma experience and one’s emotional and behavioral responses.

    The purpose of therapy is to offer skills and strategies to assist you in better understanding, coping with, processing emotions and memories tied to traumatic experiences, with the end goal of enabling you to take control of the meaning and narrative of the experience that took place in your life.

    It often requires initiative, commitment and patience to achieve this but it’s possible!

    To know more about difference of Vedic Counselling, click here.

  • If you are looking after trauma retreats, drumming, sound baths, cacao ceremonies and psychedelics, this is not what Vedic approach is.

    These are popular trends claiming to relieve trauma (and they might in some cases). But this is NOT what we offer.

  • It is a combination of Ayurveda therapies like

    1. Shirodhara, regarded as treatment which helps open the healing channels.

    2. Marma therapy and Basti which facilitate emotional release

    3. Heal Enhanced Relaxation Therapy which is effective for trauma release.

    4. Vedic counselling

    5. Safe herbal remedies available in any chemist shop (only if indicated)

    6. Homework: This is equally important component, needing your wholehearted commitment and patience.

    A combination of these therapies is used in relation to the trauma impact, history, nature and goals.

  • Trauma is an utterly harsh, unwelcome experience which leaves a distinct memory impression somewhere in the body, popularly thought to be in the mind.

    What is mind is not yet ‘found’ by modern science. Some relate mind as brain, some as heart.

    However neither a neurosurgeon or a heart surgeon is able to perform a surgery to ‘remove’ the trauma memory. Things would have been much easier that way.

    So here we are dealing with something ‘unseen’, but ‘partly perceived’- mind substance.

    As they say in Vipassana (meditation technique given by Gautam Buddha) that any doctor can’t leave any surgery half-done. In same way, when you are performing a procedure on the mind, one can’t leave it half-done as the results would not be as desired.

    We look at therapy is peeling the onion. First we remove layers of the symptoms, one by one and then we get to the root cause of actual trauma. As one experiences relief from the symptoms, they regain more control over the traumatic memory and healing comes within reach.

    Directly dealing with the deep seated trauma may trigger unwanted harmful emotions, which is what we aim to avoid and that’s why one has to allow the therapy necessary time.

    If one is experiencing the effects of the trauma event, knowingly or unknowingly, for many years, how rational it is to expect that they be gone in few days?

    As per Vedic science, whatever changes in brain have happened due to trauma, can be undone. But the longer you have experienced the trauma, more patience and commitment is needed.

  • Sachin, Ayurveda practitioner will provide the therapy.

    We are not psychologists or psychiatrists and don’t claim to be one.

    We do not ever recommend to discontinue any other treatments or medications that you may be having.

    We firmly believe that Vedic approach based on ancient Yoga principles is the most effective and (possibly only sure shot) way to release or manage trauma.

    We don’t criticize other trauma therapies, whether supported or not supported by modern science, and encourage you do your own research before deciding to pursue Vedic Trauma Healing.

  • We have tried to keep the costs to a minimum, by including the counselling sessions with the therapy, at no extra cost.

    Based on initial consultation with you, we will recommend the treatment plan, which may comprise of some combination of therapies below matched to your unique situation and needs.

    Most commonly, we find 5-6 Heal therapies effective, with total cost of $500-$600.

    The costs of individual therapies are as follows

    1 Shirodhara: $195

    1 Marma Therapy $200

    1 Basti Therapy $250

    1 Heal Therapy- $ 100

  • You can either book a general consult using the button below.

    Alternatively, you can fill up this form and we will get back to you with recommendations of the treatment to book first. We can discuss more details prior to your treatment.

Important Information

  • Patients should not discontinue any medications or other treatments they are having. With your consent, we can coordinate with your GP or Specialist if required re complimenting Ayurveda treatment with your existing treatment plan.