The most neglected activity, we do everyday

Which is one of the most common, important yet neglected activity we do every day?
Eating Food.

No doubt we make wrong food choices many a times, but the way we eat is also wrong- standing, walking, talking, watching TV and so on.

In fact, there are many traditions followed around the world re this daily ritual and some of it are still followed like ‘saying Grace’.

I grew up saying following mantra before every meal- lunch and especially dinner:

वदनी कवळ घेता नम घ्या श्रीहरीचे | सहज हवन होते नाम घेता फुकाचे |
जीवन करि जीवित्व अन्न हे पूर्ण ब्रम्ह | उदारभरण नोहे जाणिजे यज्ञ कर्म ||

The meaning of first line is similar to Grace, where we thank God or Almighty Nature for giving us food.

What is most important is second line which spells out, crystal clear, importance of Food and Eating it in a proper way.

Meaning of second line: The food that gives life, is Purna Brahma - has whole Cosmos within it. Therefore eating is not only filling stomach, but it is a Yagna Karma- offerings to God.

Its a very deep meaning:

Every grain of food has 5 elements as well as Life force-Prana in it, which make the whole Cosmos. Therefore, we should eat with as much importance and attention as if we are offering prayers to God.

What it means in today’s practice?

  1. Wash your hands before eating.

  2. Eat wholesome food, freshly prepared.

  3. Eat with hands, as it gives the brain proper signals as to which chemicals to secrete.

  4. When eating, only eat, i.e. eat mindfully, with full attention (as they say chew every bite 32 times)

  5. Do not watch TV or read or talk! Just mindful eating- savoring each of the 6 tastes.

Well, whats the benefit of all this?

  1. The Bodhaka Kapha and Pachaka Pitta which are essential for digestion get secreted in optimal quantities, as the tongue gives signals to brain re tastes, type of food we are eating.

  2. The digestive fire gets ready accordingly to digest food.

  3. As a result, food gets digested properly, leaving least undigested component, reducing chances and quantity of ama formation.

  4. The digested component nourishes and forms various tissues.

  5. Immunity increases as Ojas increases and Health shines.

Do you think its worth eating right food and like it is a Yagna Karma?


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