Re-balance | Heal | Relax

Wellness that Works!

Relax, Nourish, Cleanse or Detox

  • Abhyanga Massage

    Abhyanga Massage

    A blissful, healing, re-balancing ‘Experience’, not an ordinary massage.
    Bespoke head-to-toe, anti-ageing treatment for improved circulation, lymphatic drainage & muscle relaxation.
    A true taste of heaven.

  • Detox, healthy skin

    Udvarthanam Dry Powder Massage

    A multidimensional, cleansing, exfoliating massage for detox, cellular rejuvenation and skin health. Improves muscle toning, complexion & promotes weight loss/fat reduction.

  • Indian head massage

    Migraine Relief or Indian Head Massage

    Whether acute migraine or tension headache, Migraine-relief Massage can work like a magic to relieve pain.
    Indian head massage for relaxation or improving mental alertness.

Ayurveda believes: Health emerges from calmness, peace.

Om Shanti

- Let the peace permeate your mind and body.

Ayurveda massage therapies are designed to take you that calmer state.

Restore, Release, Unblock or Deep Healing

  • Marma pain relief, restorative

    Whole body 'Marma' Therapy

    Doorway to body’s inner pharmacy.
    Catharsis, un-blocking, recovery or pain-relief it works in many ways in treating many physical and mental conditions, to facilitate healing at the deepest levels.
    Involves stimulation of Marmani- vital energy points on the whole body surface.

  • Chakra Healing Newcastle

    Chakra Balancing Massage

    Energy healing massage to balance Chakras- subtle energy centers in spinal axis- and better mind-body alignment.

    Involves spinal flow and other techniques specific to indivisual needs to create inner harmony, peace and aid healing and remove blockages.

  • Nabhi Puran- Belly Button Treatment

    Nabhi Puran- Belly Button Treatment

    Belly button is regarded as focal point of 72000 energy channels. Placenta attaches to this part- may be for a reason.
    A unique navel area treatment with Marma therapy offering deep relaxation and to unblock negative effects of subconscious thoughts and emotions, often locked in abdominal area.

For research about Ayurveda treatments, click here.